Thursday, December 27, 2012

I Gave In to the Trolls

So I caved, kind of. I ended up buying a few Trollbloods and their Forces of Hordes book. I must say Privateer Press does some excellent work. Now to the list of Trolls...
Hoarluk Doomshaper, Rage of Dhunia Epic Warlock
Mulg the Ancient
I bought these two off ebay at a pretty awesome price and I'm still waiting for them in the mail. I also bought a pin vice and a new sculpting tool from Citadel in hopes of doing more conversion work.
Dire Troll Mauler
I love this model and when I went to the local gaming store today I just couldn't resist. This guy is metal and typically I love metal figures since the detail just seems so much sharper. If I had one complaint about this guy it would be that there was big gaps in the pieces when I went to put him together. Not all that big of a deal, a simple dose of green stuff to the gaps and he's ready to be primed (well once the green stuff dries). I am liking the Trollbloods already, its going to be fun building and painting a small army of these guys. I don't really know anyone who plays Hordes or Warmachine though, so I don't really expect to ever play with them. I am thinking about making a display piece for them but I won't be permanently installing them just in case I find somebody who plays. I also bought some Trollblood Base paint by P3 so we'll see how their paints work compared to the other paints I've tried. They'll all be mostly painted with GW paints seeing that I have their full range now (:D). Here's some stock photos of the Doomshaper and his buddy Mulg. Plus some pictures of my new Mauler after he's been green stuffed.

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