Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Long Time, No Post

So its been quite a while since I posted last but its been a busy couple of weeks for me at work and in the world of 40K.  What have I been up to?
Well first and foremost I recently found out my wife is pregnant with our second kiddo and I'm absolutely pumped about it. Plus if its a boy we will be naming him Loken and yes its after the Luna Wolves 10th Company Captain from the Boris heresy books.  Garviel Loken's steel resolve in his moral standings even when faced with losing everything he knows is a trait that I deeply appreciate.  Not to mention, the guy is an absolute badass.  My wife likes the name (not where it came from though) and thus she quickly accepted it as our clods name if its a boy.  We're still trying to figure out a girls name.
I've also been working really hard on the development of my DIY chapter, the Guardians if Silence.  I've been writing a codex of sorts for them to guide my fluff writing and to make them a playable chapter that's not over or under powered.  With the codex, I've been trying to create some of my own images from the chapters history that will hopefully make the codex a better read.  All in all it leads to a lot of work that doesn't include the painting of my actual army.  Which leads to my next time consumer, painting.  Now that I have decided on a solid paint scheme and chapter logo, my paint times have taken significantly fallen which is a bonus.  The problem is I still have the majority of my army to paint.  All of my hq units are going to be painted last so that way they are painted with the best of my developing ability.  All of them need some modelling work with green stuff as well.  Don't worry, I'll be posting plenty of pictures and maybe even some tutorials over the next few weeks.  I'll also be posting various parts of the codex I've been writing to get some feedback and reviews.
Now for the final part of what I've been up to... I played my first game last Sunday with my friend who got me interested in the game.  We played a quick 750 pt game (well we thought it'd be quick).  He played his space wolves against my Guardians if Silence. It was definitely a lot if fun but its definitely going to take some time to have the rules locked in my noggin.  I'll also post up a synopsis of how everything went and go more in depth on how it went as my first time playing a table top game.  There is sure to be many more battles coming up as our "war group" has gone from four players to six and it seems like more and more people are looking at joining the hobby.  So keep an eye out for a lot more posts over the next few weeks. 

And here's a little teaser photo for you of my assault terminator who is pretty much finished now.

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