So lets get to the pictures:
This is Great Sage Sigurn Mordax v2, Chapter Master of the Guardians of Silence. This model was in every aspect technically challenging,between the Heavy Flamer-Storm Shield conversion and the free hand banner I pushed myself on this guy. I attempted NMM as well but it didn't turn out so I went over with metallic paint which led to a cool finish. Sadly the result are a little less than I wanted but it taught me a lot. The worst part is the superglue on his back from trying to get that flag to mount, I'll probably figure out a solution another time.
Belial Reborn. My original Belial model was eaten by the Dawn Power Dissolver I used to strip all of the Deathwing colored terminators. This is the new one, joyously it primed poorly and thus has that wonderful texture. I don't want to strip him again, just seems like I'm not meant to have a nice Belial.
DV Minis on terrain board. These guys turned out well, obviously still need work but they're getting there, I'm starting to get a feel for how the army is going to look.
This is the Land Raider Redeemer I built to be Mordax's personal Land Raider. Still needs a lot of work, including weathering but I like it so far.
The Sinister Table
So it's finally starting to be something. My group has played a few games on the desert side and thus far everyone likes it. The city side still has a lot of work yet. The odd looking tile was where I tried to add a yellow to the sand to make it look, well, more sandy. Epic fail, but it would make an awesome swamp board with some flock and trees. All in all there will be two walls, 3 aegis defense lines, 3 Bastions, a Fortress of Redemption, and an Imperial sector on the city side. Should get hairy...
My Greatest Achievement (next to my daughter): Loken Daniel, my new son :)
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